Date : 21 mars 2024
Heure : 13h00 - 14h00 HNE
Spidertech pour les articulations douloureuses
Dans ce webinaire, nous discuterons du mécanisme derrière la façon dont Spidertech affecte les douleurs articulaires et comment vous pouvez maximiser votre effet thérapeutique en appliquant Spidertech à la fin de vos séances de traitement. Des questions et réponses en direct suivront.
What You'll Learn
- + Mécanisme Spidertech : le webinaire explore comment Spidertech soulage les douleurs articulaires, en approfondissant ses mécanismes sous-jacents.
- + Optimisation thérapeutique : Les participants découvrent comment améliorer les bienfaits thérapeutiques de Spidertech en l'appliquant à la fin des séances de traitement.
PDF Presentation - 2.1 MB

Dr.Nick Martichenko
Dr. Nick Martichenko is a performance therapist with over 10 years of experience providing manual therapy and coaching high-level athletic development primarily in the sports of golf & tennis.
He is the main performance therapist on Denis Shapovalov’s team and travels with him to many of the major tournaments throughout the year.
Nick is also the Head of Manual Therapy & Strength and Conditioning for Golf Ontario’s Development Program. Along with these specializations, Nick continues to serve as the Director of Education for Spidertech Kinesiology tape.
Nick is a proud alumnus of Robert Morris University where he played NCAA DIV 1 Golf.
Derniers webinaires
In this webinar, we’ll discuss how Spidertech tape can alleviate elbow pain, enhance joint function, and support recovery. Learn key taping methods and specialized techniques for effective elbow and arm support. Live Q&A will follow.
In this webinar we will discuss how Spidertech tape can affect posture, pain, breathing mechanics, and shoulder function. We will review key ways to determine taping patterns and specialized techniques for complete thorax region support. Live Q&A will follow.
In this webinar we will discuss how to manage neck pain using Spidertech tape. We will review key ways to determine taping patterns and specialized taping techniques for complete neck support. Live Q&A will follow.